Community Service
At least once a quarter we do some type of Community Service. In the past we have cleaned yards for people who cannot, collected canned food for the poor, packed Operation Christmas Child boxes, and cleaned up a local pregnancy center
Contact: Joanna Maniscalco
Monthly Events
We have at least one activity each month. Most activities are on a Friday or Saturday night. Please check our calendar for upcoming events.
Praise & Worship Team
Each week we have a time of praise and worship. If you are a musician, we would love to have you join our praise and worship team.
Contact: Joanna Maniscalco

We get started each Wednesday in the gym with a variety of games. Come and join us at 6pm.

Contact: Pastor Sean
Small Groups
Each week we have a time where the teens meet together with their small group leaders and reflect on that evening’s lesson from God’s Word.